Dr Felix Ng

Neurologist and Neurophysiologist


Victoria Doncaster East, Essendon, Kew
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Dr Felix Ng is a fully qualified Australian neurologist with subspecialised training in clinical neurophysiology at Precision Brain Spine and Pain Centre. He also holds a position at numerous hospitals in Melbourne including the Royal Melbourne and Austin Hospitals.

Dr Ng graduated at the University of Melbourne in 2006 and completed specialist training at the Austin Hospital, Eastern Health and Northern Hospital. He has gained experience in paediatric neurology, advanced neurosurgical training and neuroimmunology, and attained a Master of Public Health during his postgraduate training. He further undertook a Clinical Neurophysiology Fellowship at the Austin Hospital with Level 2 Advanced EMG Neurophysiology accreditation.

Dr Ng has strong interest in neurological research and is the recipient of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN) Jim Mcleod Award and the Stroke Society of Australasia Peter Bladin New Investigator Award in 2016. He is currently undertaking a PhD in stroke neuroimaging with the support of the prestigious National Brain Foundation Grant and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Postgraduate Scholarship. He has also been awarded the Heart Foundation Health Professional Scholarship, the ANZAN E&RF Scholarship and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians Kincaid-Smith Scholarship.

Dr Ng provides a comprehensive clinical neurophysiology service at the Precision Brain Spine and Pain Centre in Kew. He performs nerve conduction studies and EMG and offers a supplementary clinical opinion to assist further management upon requested.

Urgent appointments will be accommodated.

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