After your initial meeting with a Headache Clinic specialist, you will be provided with a highly specialised treatment plan.
In order to optimise your outcome, your specialist may recommend one or more of the following treatment strategies:
- Education and explanation of your symptoms
- Facet joint or nerve blocks
- Individually tailored pain medications
- Occipital nerve blocks
- Occipital or peripheral nerve stimulation (neuromodulation)
- Radiofrequency denervations
- Specialised physiotherapy, acupuncture, or myotherapy
- A structured pain management program or rehabilitation program
- Biofeedback therapy
- Botox injections (now on the PBS for migraine)
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
In order to ensure the best possible outcome, your condition may be discussed in a formal and confidential manner with our other specialists. This usually takes place in a multidisciplinary meeting in which best practice treatment plan strategies are devised.
As part of our commitment to best practice, we will ensure that your GP and other treating doctors are kept up to date with your evaluation and treatment.
Your GP will typically play an important role in the ongoing management of your conditions. Similarly, if you already have a dedicated physiotherapist or psychologist, they too will be included in our circle of communication and therapy.