Failed Back Surgery

Spinal surgery is usually very safe, and is effective in the vast majority of patients who are treated appropriately. Some patients who have previously undergone spinal surgery may, however, experience significant ongoing pain or neurological problems.


The accurate diagnosis and treatment of failed back surgery syndrome can be very difficult, and is best done in an integrated, multispecialty environment like the Precision Brain Spine and Pain. Over the past decade, new treatments have been developed and there is now hope for many people with this condition. In some cases nerve or facet joint blocks or denervations can help. Others may need further decompressive and/or stabilisation procedures.


Many patients will benefit from modern pain relieving procedures such as neuromodulation. Neuromodulation involves implanting small devices like pacemakers in certain regions of the body. These use a low-strength electrical current to try and replace the painful sensation with a comfortable feeling.

Types of neuromodulation include spinal cord stimulation, lumbar regional field stimulation and dorsal root ganglion stimulation.